​​​​​​Please carefully read the following terms & conditions

  • Payment must be made prior to the event.  We reserve the right to cancel a booking in the case of non-receipt of payment before the event commences.
  • For bookings where payment will be made by an NHS organisation, a Purchase Order number and funding confirmation is required before a booking can be confirmed.
  • Should you no longer be able to attend the event, cancellation should be communicated promptly to the Clinical Education inbox ccf-tr.clinicaleducation@nhs.net.  Should cancellation take place within 14 working days of the event you will be charged the full fee. Suitable replacement delegates will be accepted up to 2 days before the event.
  • If a livestream ticket is purchased, then this link is for the sole use of the individual in whose name the booking has been made.  Allowing access to other individuals is strictly prohibited.
  • For in person events, it is the responsibility of the delegate, or their representative, to communicate any access requirements when making the booking.
  • Where food and drink are provided at an event, it is the responsibility of the delegate, or their representative, to communicate any special dietary requirements when making the booking.
  • Where certificates of attendance are provided, alteration or transfer of certificates will be regarded as fraudulent activity.
  • Should the event have to be postponed, your booking will be transferred to the new date and you will be contacted accordingly.  You will retain the right to cancel your place should you be unable to attend in line with point 3.
  • We reserve the right to cancel events due to unforeseen circumstances, in which case full refunds will be issued.
  • We reserve the right to make appropriate changes to the delivery of the event in order to adhere to government guidelines or to respond to other significant external factors. If public health measures or other factors make in person delivery unsuitable, we may offer online attendance as an alternative.  Delegates will be notified of this change as soon as is reasonably practicable.

Data Protection Act 2018/GDPR

By submitting an application to attend any of the courses/modules offered, you consent to The Clatterbridge Cancer Centre NHS Foundation Trust having access to and using your personal data for the purposes of processing your application. The Trust may share your personal data with our partners; University of Chester and Wirral University Hospital Teaching Hospital NHS Foundation Trust for the purpose of awarding a certificate of attendance/qualification.

By signing up to our mailing list you consent for your name and email address to be transferred to MailChimp (our marketing automation platform)  for processing in accordance with their Privacy Policy and Terms.

Your information will not be sent outside of the United Kingdom where the laws do not protect your privacy to the same extent as the law in the UK. The Trust will never sell any information about you to other organisations for profit.